原版舊的「新經濟的新規則」 (中英對照本) 取材於趙學信譯Net & Ten
1. 一群蜜蜂比一隻螞蟻重要--當力量逐漸遠離中心,競爭優勢屬於那些知道如何擁抱分散的控制點的人。
Embrace the Swarm. As power flows away from the center , the competitive advantage belongs to those who learn how to embrace decentralized points of control .
2. 級數比加法重要--當連線數目增加時,這些連線造成的效果會呈倍數增加,所以初期的成功不會自我設限,反會自我滋長。
Increasing Returns. As the number of connections between people and thing add up, the consequences of those connections multiply out even faster, so that initial successes aren’t self-limiting, but self-feeding.
3. 普及比稀有重要--當製造技術已臻完美,副本可以大量流通時,產生價值的是普及性,而非稀有性,顛覆了傳統的商業定律。
Plentitude, Not Scarcity. As manufacturing techniques perfect the art of making copies plentiful, value is carried by abundance, rather than scarcity, inverting traditional business propositions.
4. 免費比利潤重要--當資源變得充裕,慷慨可以孕育財富。追求免費,提前迎接無可避免的價格滑落,而且運用唯一真正的稀有資源:人們的注意力。
Follow the Free. As resource scarcity gives way to abundance, generosity begets wealth. Following the free rehearses the inevitable fall of prices, and takes advantage of the only true scarcity : human attention.
5. 網路比公司重要--當網路吸納進所有的商業,一家公司的主要焦點從儘可能擴大公司本身的價值,轉移到儘可能擴大網路的價值。除非網路存活下來,否則公司也會跟著滅亡。
Feed the Web First. As network entangle all commerce, a firm’s primary focus shifts from maximizing the firms value to maximizing the network’s value. Unless the net survives, the firm perishes.
6. 造山比登山重要--當創新的速度加快,放棄高度成功的事業或項目以避免它最終的作廢過時,遂變成最困難但最重要的任務。
Let Go at the Top. As innovation accelerates, abandoning the highly successful in order to escape from its eventual obsolescence becomes the most difficult and yet most essential task.
7. 空間比場所重要--當實質上的鄰近關係(場所)被不分何物、何時、何地的多重互動關係(空間)所取代,仲介者、中間人及中等利基市場的機會將大幅擴大。
From Places to Spaces. As physical proximity (place) is replaced by multiple interactions with anything, anytime, anywhere(space), the opportunities for intermediaries, middlemen, and mid-size niches expand greatly.
8. 流動比平衡重要--當激擾及動盪成為商業的常態,最有用的生存策略是一種高度選擇性的持續混亂,我們稱之為「創新」。
No Harmony, All Flux. As turbulence and instability become the norm in business, the most effective survival stance is a constant but highly selective disruption that we call innovation.
9. 關係比產能重要--當無形勝過有形,軟體勝過硬體,最強而有力的科技是那些強化、放大、延伸、增加、萃取、喚起、擴充及開展各種關係類型的科技。
Relationship Tech. As the soft trumps the hard, the most powerful technologies are those that enhance, amplify, extend, augment, distill, recall, expand, and develop soft relationship of all type.
10. 機會比效率重要--提升機器的效率可以致富,但在無效率之中發掘和創造機會可以產生遠大於此的財富。
Opportunities Before Efficiencies. As fortunes are made by training machines to be ever more efficient, there is yet far greater wealth to be had by unleashing the inefficient discovery and creation of new opportunities.